By Dr. Grace Kite

The future value of present spend

Here’s a free tool, to help you huddle with finance and come up with the greatest possible 2025!

Finance aren’t the baddies. They care about doing the best for the business, perhaps even more than you do. But they get so many business cases for spending the company’s money and it’s a task to prioritise all the options.

When you put forward your marketing plan, finance has to decide whether that’s a better use of the money than something else.

Our new tool is here to help you both out. It uses a framework that finance love – called discounted cashflow – to make it super easy to compare a media plan to an R&D project, or a new factory.

So click the image to give it a go, and let us know how you get on! Keep scrolling down to watch a “how to use” tutorial and download the slide deck from the IPA conference.

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